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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 30 years, born on 28 April 1994

Not looking for a job

Telma, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Creative producer

  • Art director, creative director
  • Marketing manager, internet marketer
  • Producer

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 6 years 5 months

February 2023currently
2 years 2 months


Creative producer
Create and develop YouTube channel
October 2021December 2022
1 year 3 months
YouTube channel Yan Topless


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Advertise director
Development of creative concepts for brands integrating into the show. Approval of the creative with the client and the team. Preparation of shooting. Directing on the set. Installation work (collecting the first draft, approval with the client, edits, assembling the final draft)
January 2021September 2021
9 months
Jony and Clide


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Creative producer
Creation and development of YouTube channels. Maintaining a YouTube channel: drawing up a content plan, uploading new videos, optimizing each video; Organization of the filming process, selection of venues, production, regular release of new programs; Monitoring the work of the operator team, the post-production department, working with contractors; Channel promotion control; Post -production; Working with bloggers; Ordering advertising on other channels; Cooperation with brands, Generating new ideas; Search for personnel for the channel; Running channels: TOURIST ROOM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC60YDDGSq7HiqV32oSZzN2w
September 2019December 2020
1 year 4 months
Roky agency


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Creative Producer
Development and creation of a YouTube channel for TECHNONICOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I5TC45GJpg&t=6s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWX8v7-t6So&t=6s
July 2018December 2018
6 months
КБ - 12


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Креативный продюсер
Development of communication strategy and creative briefings; participation in the development of digital mechanics and strategic presentations together with the creative team; participation and preparation of tender presentations; communication with the client; broadcasting values through content; analysis and implementation of trends; statement and control of the execution of TK; team selection, development and training; participation and control of the development of communication campaigns, creative concepts, non-standard digital solutions.
May 2017July 2017
3 months
Tv channel Friday


Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Creative producer
Producing TV programs, searching for heroes, approving locations, developing creative ideas, working with estimates, obtaining permits for filming, recruiting crew members.
February 2015March 2015
2 months
Planet Inform, Communication Group

Moscow, planeta-inform.ru/

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Marketing and PR Manager
Purchase of online advertising, preparation of commercial offers, PR, communications.


Skill proficiency levels
Деловая коммуникация
Работа в команде
Написание текстов
Управление проектами
Sony Vegas
Поиск информации в интернет
Пользователь ПК
Ведение переговоров
MS PowerPoint
Грамотная речь
Деловая переписка
Управление продажами
Организация мероприятий
Организаторские навыки
Английский язык
Написание статей
Организационные навыки
Умение планировать
Внутренние коммуникации
Поиск и привлечение клиентов
Cоциальный маркетинг
Cоциальная реклама

About me

Креативный продюсер (Точно)

Higher education

Индустрия Школа кино и ТВ
Режиссерский, Режиссер
Продюсерства и экономики. Продюсер



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter